Researcher Development Programme
 posted by | 25/09/2017

RDP Staff NEwsThe Doctoral School is pleased to announce the launch of the new 2017/18 Researcher Development Programme.

The Researcher Development Programme (RDP) is delivered by the Doctoral School and offers academic, professional and personal development through a number of training workshops and event opportunities, all intended to support the research community at the University of Lincoln.

The programme is delivered under four thematic areas:

• Research Skills
• Communication Development
• Writing & Publishing
• Career Development

Each theme is designed to enable you to identify and develop skills, and acquire the knowledge and expertise needed to achieve standards of excellence in your research and professional life. The workshops are delivered by expert facilitators both across the university and externally to support our students at all stages of their research.

For further information about the Researcher Development Programme please go to the Researcher Development Pages on our website.